Graduate Student Opportunities.
Dr. Steven Wesnousky, Director
CNS MS 169
University of Nevada, Reno
1664 North Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89557
Graduate Students within the Center satisfy degree requirements through the Department of Geological Sciences. Both Masters and Doctoral degree programs are offered.
Research Assistantships are sometimes available on a competitive basis for applicants for doctoral level degree studies in the Center for Neotectonic Studies. Research Assistantships include a living stipend and cover the costs of tuition. The assistantships are to support research in active tectonics, active faulting, and earthquake studies in the Basin and Range province of the western United States.
The Ph.D. program is offered through the Geology or Geophysics degree program of the Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering (DGSE). General admissions information to the program may be found at